Category Truth Seeker

Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (Part 1/ 2)

It is a distressing fact that many great crimes have been perpetrated by individuals, groups, and countries in the name of Islam. When these atrocities occur, it has somehow become the norm to blame the religion of Islam instead of the perpetrators themselves. In 1987 when Sikh gunmen opened fire on Hindu bus passengers in India’s Punjab state, killing 38 people, the media did not declare the Sikh religion to be bloodthirsty and automatically condemn all Sikhs.

The Five Necessities

These are the ultimate benefits which man must enjoy in order to lead an honorable life. Indeed, all divine laws have commanded their preservation and prohibited anything that contradicts them. Islam urges its adherents to protect such necessities so that they may serve them well in the worldly life and the life to come and thus live in total peace and security.

Women’s Liberation through Islam (Part 1 / 2)

This includes knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadeeth as well as other types of knowledge. Men and women both have the capacity for learning and understanding. Since it is also their obligation to promote good behavior and condemn bad behavior in all spheres of life, Muslim women must acquire the appropriate education to perform this duty in accordance with their own natural talents and interests.

How Did Thumamah Ibn Uthal Embrace Islam?

Groups of Muslims were patrolling the districts of Al-Madinah and outlying areas on the lookout for any strangers or anyone intent on causing trouble. One of these groups came upon Thumamah and apprehended him, but they did not know who he was. They took him to Al-Madinah and tied him to one of the columns in the mosque. They waited for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) himself to question him and decide what should be done. When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was about to enter the mosque, he saw Thumamah and asked his Companions: “Do you know whom you have taken?”

Islam and Social Justice (Part 2/2)

Love for his most beloved daughter and one of the best women who have ever lived in this world did not prevent the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) from declaring that if she steals, he would cut off her hand. This is the true conception and realization of absolute justice; this is the true birth date of social justice that appeal to all people who have sound reason or pure hearts.

The Fundamental Sources of Islam

From time to time, there arise claims calling for rejecting the Sunnah and following the Qur’an alone as a sole fundamental source for the religion of Islam, a call not guiltless of bad intention or a hidden agenda. If we agree to reject the Sunnah and follow the Qur’an alone, we are then abolishing a tremendous amount of laws of Islam with their details and religious ethics called for by the never doubtful act of the Prophet and his frequent practice. To refute such destructive calls, we may just mention here what Muslims have unanimously agreed upon, from the time of the prophet

Islam Calls for Good Manners

The Messenger of Allah defined the main goal of his mission when he said, “I was sent to perfect honorable morals”. It seems as if the mission which has paved its own course in the life history, and its owner exerted much effort in spreading it and gathering people around it, aspires to nothing other than enhancing people’s virtues, enlightening their perfection horizons before their eyes so that they may approach them with good insight.

Ibn Khuldun’s Views on Education

No one denies the predominance of admonitory-ethical style on the early Islamic educational output due to his growing up in a jurisprudential environment… and the confinement of educational content on Islamic sciences. However, it is not fair to generalize this opinion, especially after Muslims’ openness to neighboring cultures, and the increased need for secular sciences that can serve the Islamic Renaissance Movement.

The Arabic Language (Part 2/2)

As both the language of Islam and a medium of culture and learning for five centuries, Arabic came into close contact with several other languages. Asian and African languages such as Urdu, Turkish, Farsi, and Hausa borrowed a large number of Arabic words dealing with various aspects of culture, particularly those related to Islam.

Umm `Umarah: Nusaybah bint Ka`b (Part 2/2)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) sent Umm ‘Umarah’s son, Habib bin Zaid as his representative to Musaylamah Al-Kadthab, in order to bring him to the right path. Breaking all norms of diplomacy, this low down man captured Habib and tied him to a pillar. He then asked him, “Do you testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?” When he answered in the affirmative, he asked him if he also testified that he, Musaylamah, was also the messenger of Allah. Habib replied that he was deaf and could not hear him. He kept on repeating the question again and again.