Category Truth Seeker

What Is Islam?

In this video Sheikh Yusuf Estes explains the meaning of Islam as understood by so many Muslims in the world of today. He refutes all false allegations that accuse Islam of being a hostile religion and that it was spread by the edge of the sword.

God: The Beneficent, the Merciful

The attribute of mercy – which both of these names are derived from – is one of our Lord’s greatest attributes. A believer meets a fellow believer with the greeting: “May peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah.” We say: “Praise be to Allah who has prescribed mercy upon Himself.”

Is Atheism Unnatural?

Why do human beings believe in God? This question has engrossed thinkers for centuries. Why are beliefs about supernatural agents and ritual practices derived from those beliefs found in all human societies, across disparate times and far-ranging cultures?

Is Allah a Loving God?

The entire universe and everything in it is proof of Allah’s love for all of mankind. He loves us so much that He gave us an endless variety of foods, a vast array of wildlife, the ability to see changes in our surroundings by the changes in weather, and the sun, moon, and stars, companions to share our lives with, and offspring to share in the world with us.

God’s Mercy in Reward & Punishment

According to God, our Creator, the biggest sin in His sight is associating partners with Him, despite the signs He has shown us. Worshipping and obeying Him is the very purpose of our existence. If people insist on following their desires and continue doing evil, then it is only fair that they be punished. But God is most merciful because He has sent messengers, books and signs so that people may be guided to the correct way and submit to Him.

Do You Truly Rely on God?

You are like the bird. The bird does not stand on one branch of a tree all the time waiting for the grains. But it moves from one branch to another until it gets the grains. The bird has to do its best to get the grains, and providing the bird with the grains is Allah’s work.

Foundations of Atheism

The historical background that led to the scientific and secular revolutions which contributed to the current day acceptance of “Godless” societies. A comparison of the foundations of Atheism and Islam.