Category Truth Seeker

How to Deal with Non-Muslims

We understand from this ayah that Muslims should be kind and nice to all peaceful people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. As charity begins at home, a Muslim, be it a born Muslim or a new Muslim should deal fairly and nicely with his fellows especially when they are family or neighbours.

Charting the Lost Innovations of Muslims

The project, 1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage of Our World, supported by the British Home Office and the Department for Trade and Industry, uncovers the Islamic civilization’s overlooked contribution to science, technology and art during the dark ages in European history.

Pilgrimage and Its Universal Lessons

The Hajj is essentially a re-enactment of the rituals of the great prophets and teachers of faith. Pilgrims symbolically relive the experience of exile and atonement undergone by Adam and Eve after they were expelled from Heaven, wandered the earth, met again and sought forgiveness in the valley of Makkah. They also retrace the frantic footsteps of the wife of Abraham, Hagar, as she ran between the hills

Reflections on Eid

It is a celebration of love and joy for practicing one of the most beloved acts to Allah, fasting! Allah said in the holy Hadith: “All acts of the son of Adam are for himself but fasting, it is for Me and I shall reward by it.”

Hajj as a Conference Legislated by Allah

Hajj was and still is the place of security where souls feel at ease in the land of revelation, where the conscience becomes tranquil in the birthplace of creed and where feelings delight in the divine blessings of this heavenly land. Hajj was and still is the meeting for Muslims from all over the world at `Arafah

History of Hajj in Brief

Sure enough, a man by the name of Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah was born in the very city that Prophet Ibrahim had made this supplication centuries earlier. For twenty-three years, Prophet Muhammad spread the message of Tawhid [true monotheism] – the same message that Prophet Ibrahim and all the other Prophets came with – and established the law of Allah upon the land.

Merits and Rites of Hajj

Pilgrimage is viewed as a particularly meritorious activity. Pilgrimage serves as a penance – the ultimate forgiveness for sins, devotion, and intense spirituality. The pilgrimage to Makkah, the most sacred city in Islam, is required of all physically and financially able Muslims once in their life. The pilgrimage rite begins a few months after Ramadan, on the 8th day of the last month of the Islamic year of Dhul-Hijjah, and ends on the 13th day. Makkah is the center towards which the Muslims converge once a year, meet and refresh in themselves the faith that all Muslims are equal and deserve the love and sympathy of others, irrespective of their race or ethnic origin.