Category Truth Seeker

Activate Your God-Spot

Recently, a new science is being developed called neuro-theology to study the neurobiology of religion, to identify the brain’s spirituality circuit, and to explain how it is that religious rituals have the power to move believers and non-believers alike.

Proofs of the Existence of Allah

Humankind, in general, has maintained a belief in the existence of the Creator of the Universe since time immemorial. The duty of the prophets of Allah was not so much to inform their people of Allah’s existence as to warn them against associating others with Him, and to teach them how to serve Him.

14 Meanings of God’s Attribute Al-Kareem

The Arabic word “Kareem” embraces all illaudable qualities as: forbearing, generous, kind, gentle, patient, self-possessed, manly, noble, pure…etc. Likewise, “Kareem” includes all laudable and admirable human qualities, contrary to “La’eem”, which embraces all illaudable qualities, such as: miserly, mean, arrogant, tyrannical, ungrateful, selfish…etc. includes all lowly illaudable ones.

Wondering About the Details of Creation

The Qur’an does not say that the material or physical development of a country is determined by the religion of its citizens. But the Qur’an does say that the final destination of a person or a people is determined by religion. And the Qur’an also teaches that righteousness and prayer certainly lead to good results here and now, as well as in the hereafter.

Al-Hakeem: Wisdom of the All-Wise

All of Allah’s attributes can be summed up in three main notions, namely that He exists, that He is one: in His own self, attributes and acts, and that He is perfect, which is the nearest in meaning to God’s name Hakeem (The All Wise). However, the name “Al-Hakeem” is one of some of Allah’s divine Names that are nearer than others to human beings; and the nearest of all of His names to human beings are “the Lord”.

Book review: “Why Science Does Not Disprove God”

In stockpiling his arguments, Aczel quotes from his interviews with dozens of leading scientists and theologians, and interprets statements in a range of popular writings. The resulting book is part science (interesting but superficial summaries of cosmology, quantum mechanics, evolutionary biology, chaos theory), part history of religion, part philosophy, part spirituality, and a modicum of backbiting and invective.

Why Cannot We See Allah?

It goes without saying that not seeing Allah is only a temporary decree for Allah’s true servants, who are closest to Him in this world. Seeing Allah in Paradise could also imply the pinnacle, or culmination, of their incessant drawing closer to Him.