Category Truth Seeker

The Role of Human Rights in Islamic Law

Teaching and emphasizing that the founders of America and the great scholars of Islam shared a similar vision for a society based upon truth, justice, and mercy is one good way to nurture a commonality of purpose in life. Those who are willing to envision a society of individuals who transcend their own self-centered interests and join together in a single pluralist community, lay down a template for hope that pushes beyond conspiracy theories and the emptiness of a life constrained by ruthless survival demands.

Peace and Justice in Islam

According to Islam, peace is the rule and war is only an exception. Even in defensive war we have to analyse its result; if the result is doubtful, Muslims should avoid war. Stray acts of aggression are not enough for Muslims to rush into war. They have to assess the whole situation and adopt a policy of avoidance when war is not certain to achieve a positive result. In actual fact, the mission of all the Prophets from Adam to ‘Eesaa (Jesus), may Allah exalt their mention, was one and the same – of establishing the ideology of monotheism

The Coming Water Crisis

As global food prices rise and exporters reduce shipments of commodities, countries that rely on imported grain are panicking. Countries like South Korea, China and India have descended on fertile plains across the African continent, acquiring huge tracts of land to produce wheat, rice and corn for consumption back home.

Navigating Through Life Storms

Believers and unbelievers have very different reactions to events. For example, a believer may be late for an interview that she assumes will be good for her and thus lose a unique opportunity. However, assured that everything is predestined and that her being late is utterly under Allah’s control, she sees a good in this unexpected event, thanks Allah for it,

Is Allah Confined to Any Place?

“Above them” in 16:50 refers to the Almighty being above His servants in His Might, Power, Loftiness, not to being above them in place, space, area, elevation, or physical location; these do not apply to Him. The Messenger of Allah called upon His Lord during his ascension to heavens pleading to Him thus, “You are as You have praised Your own Self,” and Prophet Yunus (Jonah) son of Matta, while being in the bottom of the sea, called upon his Lord saying,

Names & Attributes of God in Surah Ya-Sin

The aim of this article is to highlight various names and attributes of God mentioned in some of the verses of this chapter and elaborate on them for a better understanding toward knowing our Creator. Each attribute is at the end of each verse which in essence explains the verse itself.