Category Truth Seeker

Achieving Piety through Fasting

Unlike Prayers, charity, and pilgrimage, fasting is an invisible act. According to Islam, only God and the person who is fasting know whether he or she is fasting or not. One may quietly eat or drink something and no one will notice and no one can find out.

Between Paradise and Hell-Fire

When God created the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), the first man on earth, and his wife, He placed them in Paradise. However, as we are informed by the Qur’an, in Paradise, Adam and his wife were tempted to evil and transgressed God’s prohibition.

Does Ramadan Have Any Impact on Us?

To my pleasant surprise, the Muslims we interviewed were highly positive about their Ramadan routines. Fully 88 percent of the people we surveyed said they had special programs they implemented during this month. Aspects of their routine included reading Qur’an (across the board, this was a daily goal), attending all of the tarawih prayers, Dhikr, performing extra prayers, not overeating, Qiyam, and, as one of our answerers straightforwardly told us, sin analysis.

Attaining Taqwa in Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of heightened Allah-consciousness, of attaining unto taqwa (piety), of training ourselves to be the best we can be; a month to initiate improvement of reputation, character and cultivating good habits.

Ramadan: The Month of Taqwa

Ramadan is the month of heightened Allah-consciousness, of attaining unto taqwa / God-consciousness; of training ourselves to be the best we can be; a month to initiate improvement of reputation, character and for cultivating good habits.

Ramadan: Month of Fasting or Month of Feasting?

When the body is fasting and not occupied with the process of digestion, its organs are given an opportunity to rejuvenate and restore themselves, in turn allowing the one who fasts to recover from various ailments. However, if a person overeats in the evening and indulges in heavy, fatty foods, this offsets the physical benefits of fasting.

Feeding the Fasting Persons

Earlier Muslims understood the importance of feeding other fasting persons and were, therefore, keen to observe that good deed. Ali ibn Abu Talib (May Allah be pleased with him) said, “To invite a group of my companions to eat a portion of food is dearer to me than going out for the market to buy a slave then set him/her free.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)

`Eid Al-Fitr: A Day of Joy and Thanksgiving

`Eid Al-Fitr is a day that marks the successful completion of the sacred month of Ramadan. It is a festival that signifies the completion of an act of duty and devotion. It teaches us that real happiness results from performing one’s duty and making sacrifices for a noble objective.