Category Truth Seeker

Religious Inspirations and Scientific Inventions

Recent scientific discoveries have clarified certain Qur’anic verses. Such advances in knowledge occur successively, as the universe proceeds upon its decreed course and in the measure of understanding appointed for us. We must acknowledge and praise the efforts and achievements of researchers and scientists, but they should not lead us to ingratitude and insolence (the roots of unbelief).

Human Development as Revealed in Qur’an & Hadith

Most non-Muslims do not believe that the Qur’an is the Book of God verbatim, as Muslims believe. In trying to make sense of the phenomenon – so copiously illustrated by Dr. Albar from the field of human embryology – of how so much accurate knowledge is there in the Book, they may be led to question the assurance with which they hold to their non-belief.

Understanding Natural Evil

Islam teaches that God is All-Powerful, but it does not mean that He does things that contradict logic or does not befit His character. For instance, He does not make a round a square while keeping it round and square at the same time. And it is also an Islamic teaching about God that He is Perfect and so He does not suffer or die; because that is against His nature.

Changing the Qiblah or Religious Authority?

Notwithstanding, the event was so important that the Jewish tribes in Madinah waged a fierce psychological warfare against Islam and its first teacher. It is to be noted here that before this event takes place, there was a covenant between the Jews and the Prophet which they did not even respect. In fact, though they realized the ramifications of the event well, they went astray in their reaction and opened fire against the true religion of Islam.

Getting Ready for Your First Ramadan?

Physically, the major change during Ramadan is the change of routine, you’ll be eating at different times and probably waking much earlier than you’re used to. So rather than wait until Ramadan arrives and suddenly expect your body to cope with the changes, if you start getting into training now, it will be much easier when you actually have to do it.

What Is Your Objective in Ramadan?

In addition, Allah Almighty gives man one chance after another to come back to Him and seek the straight path. As for Muslims, Allah gave them the month of Ramadan as a great opportunity to increase their potential good deeds and decrease their sinful ones, to help them attain Paradise in the Hereafter. Ramadan is the month where the reward for good deeds is multiplied manyfold by the grace of Allah. Thus, it is a real opportunity to overcome the obstacles of life and the malicious schemes of Satan.