Category Truth Seeker

Why Does Islam Prohibit Eating Pork?

Dr. Zakir Naik is asked why does Islam prohibit Muslims from eating pork? He gives a very detailed answer which is sufficient to persuade any one with a sound intellect and rational thinking. Join us to watch the comprehensive answer which ends with a funny remark…

The Selective Nature of the Nerve Cells

The nerve cells, which are called the neurons, unlike other cells, have axons and dendrites. The dendrites consist of many short extensions and look like the roots of the cell. These extensions receive signals from other neurons and the recipient cells and convey it to the body of the cell. Axons, on the other hand, are thin structures that arise from the cell body.

The Mosquito: A Brand-New Body

The mosquito is an insect that came into existence after going through a number of miraculous phases in a swamp or a pool of water. Whatever stage technology may develop to, it cannot bring a living thing into existence, not even a single fly. Because creation is the preserve of God, the Lord of the worlds.

Miswak: The Natural Toothbrush

The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention) recommended Muslims to clean their teeth using a Miswak every day; especially upon waking up, when performing ablution, before prayer, when reciting the Quran, before sleeping, when entering the house, and when the mouth has a foul odor.

Chest Contraction with Increasing Height

Breathing is made possible by the oxygen in the atmosphere reaching the air sacs in our lungs. As elevation rises, however, atmospheric pressure goes down as the atmosphere becomes thinner. Therefore, the amount of oxygen entering the blood stream declines and it becomes harder to breathe. As the air sacs grow narrow and contract, we feel as if we cannot breathe.

Oxidation in the Blood

An excess of iron in the blood can even lead to premature aging in all the body’s cells by causing rust-like oxidation. In the disease known as ‘hemochromatosis,’ caused by excess iron accumulating in the body, iron produces a toxic effect and causes organs such as the liver to collapse. Since this is the result of iron oxidation, this phenomenon is often described as organs ‘rusting’ or ‘rust accumulation’ in organs.

The Scientist and the Qur’an: Dr. Maurice Bucaille

In a 1987 informal gathering of MDs, educators and community activists in Chicago, Dr. Maurice Bucaille gave what turned to be a summation of his legacy. One year earlier the 13th French edition of his iconic book; The Bible, the Qur’an and Science has just earned France’s Livre d’Or (Golden Book Award) awarded to the best seller books. Before his death in 1998 the 18th edition of his book; BQS, was awarded the Livre du Moi (Book of the Month Award) given to the France’s best seller books. In that gathering Bucaille indicated that his legacy will endure. He concludes his statement with an iconic phrase. Yes sure! His word for the future is enduring!

10 Worst Pandemics in History

Scientists and medical researchers for years have differed over the exact definition of a pandemic (is it a pandemic, or an epidemic), but one thing everyone agrees on is that the word describes the widespread occurrence of disease, in excess of what might normally be expected in a geographical region.

Recurring DNA in Genome Structure

Epigenetic information is not stored within nucleotide sequences but in the chemical modifications of these sequences (like the methylation of repeated strings of GC dinucleotide). Third is the storage of data generated as a result of dynamic interactions between proteins, RNA and DNA in order to adapt to the events and changes during cellular life cycle in the form of nucleoprotein or DNA-protein complexes.