Category Truth Seeker

Seven Meanings of God’s Name Al-Fattah

In Arabic, the word “Fataha” means, “to open something closed”. Your relationship with God’s Divine name “Al-Fattah” (the Opener of the gates of profit and sustenance) is that whenever a gate is closed in your face, you should remember this Divine name of God and ask Him to open it for you.

Man-God Relationship

God is the only true Provider. It is He who has bestowed on man such faculties and capabilities as seeing, hearing, thinking and articulating-attributes which man cannot live without, but which he cannot create for himself.

It is He who has made available the resources of the external world which man may discover, exploit and develop but, again, cannot create.

The Marvelous Co-Operation of the Ant and the Bird

Microbes disturb birds too, but birds do not have a system in their bodies to produce protective substances as ants do. Consequently birds have found a different but equally practical solution to this problem. They go to and lie upon an ant’s nest, and wait for the ants to wander through their feathers. Ants that search for food stroll among the bird’s feathers and the substance that kills the microbes…

Health and Islamic Philosophy

Establishing Islam not only means establishing mosques, Islamic centers and schools, but also establishing Muslims economically, politically as well as physically. Prophetic medicine is not just honey and black seed, but also understanding the working of the body and knowing what is good and what is not good for this machine.

The Significance of Gut Health

“Good gut health, or good digestion, is the gateway to overall health and wellbeing,” says Alina Islam, a holistic nutritionist based in Toronto. “Having good health extends beyond just having healthy bowel movements or not being bloated. It impacts our immune health, brain health, skin health, and energy levels.”

The Quivering and Swelling of the Earth

The motion described in the verse is different from the movement of Earth’s crust, such as when a portion of it moves to produce an earthquake, for it is only the soil particles that are moving. These particles are composed of layers, each of which is on top of the other. When water penetrates the layers, it causes the swelling of mud particles. The stages referred to in the verse can be scientifically explained as follows: