Category Truth Seeker

What You Don’t Know About Islam and Women (Special Folder)

Many criticisms have been levelled against the status of women in Islam; however, these criticisms can be traced back either to ignorance of the real status of woman in Islam, or to fanaticism and extremism. Indeed, Islam regards woman as half of society and in so many occasions, it ordains that women should be respected and held high by all members of the human society. To Muslims, a woman is one’s mother, sister, daughter and wife. She deserves all appreciation and respect for the crucial role it plays in the formation or societies and establishment of civilizations.

Islam: The Real Emancipator of Women

The Muslim woman was given — more than 1,400 years ago — a role, duties, and rights that most women do not enjoy today, even in the West. These are from Allah and are designed to keep balance in society. What may seem unjust or missing in one place is compensated for or explained in another place.

Women’s Rights in Islam: Protected Or Subjugated?

Across time the women were ill-treated and were not given their due rights. But then due to the Qur’an and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), women were given their rights and honor… A medical doctor by professional training, Dr Zakir Naik is renowned as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr Zakir Naik is the president of Islamic Research Foundation, Mumbai.

`Abdullah Ibn `Umar

`Abdullah ibn `Umar was the son of the second Caliph `Umar ibn Al-Khattab and a brother-in-law and companion of Messenger of Allah. He was born in Makkah. He had accepted Islam before he was 10 years old and had made the Hijrah (migration to Madinah) with his father and his sister, Hafsah, who was later to become a wife of the Prophet.

Mi`raj: Reviving the Spirit of Hope

The Israa’ and Mi`raj is a momentous occasion that occurred at a very crucial stage in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This uplifting (mi’raj = ascend) experience took place in the year the Prophet lost two of his valuable pillars of support; his uncle Abu Talib

Are We Grateful To God?

No sensible person can imagine that these universal, all-embracing relationships could be a mere accident. This same subtle arrangement points to the fact that this cannot be the work of many gods. This is, and can only be, the work of One God, Who is the Creator and Lord of the earth, water, air, sun, vegetation, animals and mankind.

There Is No God but Him (Allah)

Contrary to the perceived wisdom, God did not create matter and then leave it on its own. Everything happening, even at this very instant, is ordained by God. Every raindrop, each child that opens its eyes to the world, the process of photosynthesis in plants, all the bodily functions of living things, the courses of stars in far remote galaxies, each seed sprouting forth

God’s Infinite Greatness and Power

Billions of people have appeared on earth since time immemorial. Therefore, God created billions of pairs of eyes, billions of different fingerprints, billions of different eye tissues, billions of different types of humans… If He so willed, He could also create billions more.

How Do We Know God Exists?

All human faculties such as the senses including also the intellect are part and parcel of the whole process of seeking the truth. None of these by themselves will be sufficient, but on a whole they are not really in contradiction. In fact I would say,