Category Truth Seeker

Hussein ibn Ali: Raising Little Beautiful Ones

The youth today are distracted by the media, television, reality television, music, make-up and cosmetics. They are distracted by an overdose of sports and video games, by social networking and keeping up with the popular clan. Very few of the youth can effectively disentangle themselves from the problems that exist within their environment that they forget the easiest way out is to turn to Allah and follow the lead of Prophet Muhammad.

Islam and Women: Any Injustice?

Islam considers the woman as one of the greatest values of all human societies. In Islam, the woman represents honorable motherhood, passionate sisterhood, dear daughterhood, and finally wifehood with the latter’s basic characteristics revolving around the senses of tranquility, mutual love and mercy.

The Story of Sibawayh: The Imam of Grammarians

After his death, one of his students took it upon himself to make this book available to the public. Not only did his book benefit the people of Basra, but it thereafter became one of the greatest books on grammar to have ever been written in history, such that the people began to call it: Qur’an al-Nahw (the ‘Qur’an of Grammar’). Sibawayh (May Allah rest his soul) died at the young age of 34

Green Deen (Book Review)

Though environmental justice is not new to mainstream by any means, Abdul-Matin successfully and powerfully presents an interesting new perspective on environmentalism through the lens of Islam. Readers will walk away hopeful and motivated to immediately start living a Green Deen.

Peace Vision of Islam (Part 2/2)

This is part 2 of the great video by Dr. Zakir Naik in which he says it all about Islam and its stance on women, terrorism and peace. If you think Islam is a religion that advocates violence, come and join us to hear what will make you believe it is not.

Prophet Muhammad & The Power of Giving

The release of the Hawazin captives, however, made many of the Muslims, especially among those who belonged to Bedouin tribes or had only recently embraced Islam, fear that the wealth of the Hawazin might yet be returned to them. Some of them came to the Prophet and asked him insistently to divide the spoils of war. The Prophet had certain ideas about the division of the property. One has to remember that only a few weeks earlier, Makkah had fallen to the Muslims.

Polygamy in Judaism and Christianity

Polygamy is not a practice limited to the religion of Islam; rather, it is something well-known in the history of the People of the Book, the Jews and the Christians, as well. It is only in the later times that their religious men frowned upon it or forbade it outright.