Category Truth Seeker

Position of Women in Islam – Social Aspect

It is incorrect to say that the Islamic dress code restricts women to wearing one particular type of clothing while for men there is no restriction whatsoever. Both men and women are required to cover, in an appropriate way, certain specified parts of their bodies, and no directions are given as to exactly what clothing is worn to achieve that level of concealment.

Islam Encourages Social Justice

I am concerned about the abuse of our environment and exploitation of our natural resources. My faith says that I am a “custodian” of this earth and its surrounding. As a custodian I do not have the right to either abuse it or stand by watch it get destroyed. I have to take active steps to ensure its healthy longevity. This too is my struggle for justice.

The Position and Role of the Mind in Islam

Islam encouraged the human mind to think about laws of Islam and try to deduce laws for things that has no clear evidence of course taking into account the Islamic legislative basics like bringing benefits, eliminating bad doings and narrowness and confinement as well as considering necessities and rating the circumstances of place and time.

Umm `Imarah: A Great Model

In that battle, she sustained more than twelve wounds in different parts of her body; and she bled profusely. Her arm was cut off, starting from her injured neck. In spite of that, she proceeded in pursuance of her goal without feeling any pain.

Ibn Rushd on Anatomy (Part 2/2)

All sciences, so long as they are directed to God and not to merely worldly ends or personal glory, bring their students closer to God and make easier the way to approach and please Him: Those who fear God, amongst his servants, are those who have knowledge. And God is the Guide to the straight path.

Ahmed Zewail – Biographical (Part 1/2)

Arriving in the States, I had the feeling of being thrown into an ocean. The ocean was full of knowledge, culture, and opportunities, and the choice was clear: I could either learn to swim or sink. The culture was foreign, the language was difficult, but my hopes were high. I did not speak or write English fluently

Polygamy in the World and the West

The Western attitude towards polygamy is ethnocentric and hypocritical. The point that is often misunderstood in the West is that women in other cultures – especially African and Islamic – do not necessarily look at polygamy as a sign of women’s degradation.