Category Truth Seeker

Killer of the Lion

Our fearless hero set out towards the lion such as wind. He had in his bosom the dignity, faith and courage a Muslim who is fearless of other than Allah has and he even thought to himself that it is the lion who should be fearful of him, not the other way around!

Do Not Cut Off Your Ear

The king was upset and feared that the prince would have a psychological complex that might prevent him from occupying the throne. Consequently, the king summoned all his ministers and consultants and brought the issue to discussion and deliberation.

A Brief Guide to Hajj

Hajj, one of the five main pillars of Islam, gives a specific and practical example of acts of worship in Islam. A rich spiritual experience, Hajj has a great message and lessons for the benefit and wellbeing of man and all humanity, resulting in spiritual and behavioral development in the life of a Muslim. Hajj is a life-time journey; if conducted properly, it will erase all sins of the pilgrim. So, every Muslim intending to undertake this journey should first learn well its rituals and how to perform them correctly.

`Umar ibn Al-Khattab: Migration of a Brave Heart

What is courage if it is not daring death when it calls upon the courageous? And who is more daring than the courageous who believes that he is on the right side? Even you can now listen to `Umar as if he were saying “To die for the right is better than to live for falsehood. Courage is recommended, cowardice is detestable, and falsehood is vulnerable to vanish!”

History of Israel, Jerusalem & Judaism

This is an extremely important topic that everyone should take the time to learn about that has to do with Israel, Jerusalem, and Judaism. You will benefit tremendously from watching this. Some very important points you will learn… History of Israel – Who was Israel? Where this name came from? How it all started?

Fulfilling the Covenant in Islam

One of these outstanding lessons is to keep one’s promise and fulfil one’s covenant even if it is with your enemy. When the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) learned that the Tribe of Quraysh set out to confront and fight against him in the area called Badr, he went out to meet them at the appointed place. Though the Muslims were outnumbered by far,

A Tale of Two Pencils

In business administration, it is well known that if one does not have his or her own plan, he or she will be part of others’ plans. A real human being who has sound reasoning never accepts to be a marionette in the hands of others.

How Can We Recharge Our Faith?

Ever felt like you are having an Iman dip? That after being a very active, productive Muslim – praying on time, reading Qur’an frequently, always looking forward to doing good deeds – you are becoming lazy and that your enthusiasm to perform the same way is fading? I have felt like that so many times. Life is full of ups and downs, and the downs are sometimes powerful enough to distract us and lower our enthusiasm. Yet, there are easy solutions that can help us get over an Iman low.

Virtues of Reading the Qur’an

The Book of Allah is unlike any other; it is the timeless Speech of Allah, and not a created thing. It is the study guide for life, death, and what follows. Therefore, it deserves a far more careful study than anyone else’s speech. It necessitates that its reader returns to the early narrations of those who witnessed its revelation and heard its explanation by the one deputed by Allah to

The Meaning of Right Guidance “Al-Rashad”

What one can get from all the above Qur’anic ayahs (verses) is that the Al-Rashad (the Right Guidance) stands for hitting the very middle of the targeting mark, the eye of truth, the essence of everything and anything. It is to be guided by The Creator of the whole universe and protected by Him in all that you do and utter. It is to walk in the right direction and toward the right destination. If Allah the Almighty guides you, you are given the greatest of all blessings and, thus, your steps will be blessed and rightly guided.