Category Truth Seeker

Islam Solves World Poverty and Hunger

One of the most widespread and dangerous problems faced by humanity is that of poverty, hunger and starvation. There is nothing more horrifying than the realization that as we live our happy lives here, millions of our fellow human beings live in hunger and face starvation. The majority of the world population today lives in poverty. It is clear that the world system we have set up today is unjust and inhumane.

Amrah bint Abdul Rahman

Born during the era of the third Caliph ‘Uthman ibn Affan around 29 AH, she was brought about in the household of Lady A’ishah (Mother of the Believers) from whom she learned the Prophetic Hadith and fiqh and became one of the greatest scholars of all time.

Copyright in Islam

The author of a book who has worked day and night to write a book is obviously the best person who deserves its publication for commercial purposes. If every other person is allowed to publish the book without the author’s permission, it will certainly violate the rights of the author, and the law of copyright protects him from such violation of rights.

A Pioneer of the Environment

The Prophet’s life reveals that he was a staunch advocate of environmental protection. One could say he was an “environmentalist avant la lettre”, a pioneer in the domain of conservation, sustainable development and resource management, one who constantly sought to maintain a harmonious balance between man and nature.

Muhammad’s Contribution to Human Thought

This unlettered Arab was the first person who set on foot for the first time practically the whole framework of international relations, and regulated the laws of war and peace. For no one had previously even the remotest idea that there could be an ethical code of war or that relations between different nations could be regulated on the grounds of common humanity.

Towards a Media Code of Ethics

Accordingly, a media code of ethics should be sought and hence respected by all. Unfortunately, the idea of self-accountability is still inconceivable to many journalists and media figures in our country today. Admitting a mistake when it is made is a very important issue and it requires courage on the part of journalists as well as media figures.

Manifestations of Kindness to Parents

These Qur’anic ayahs (verses), along with many others, show how Islam treats parents and how it enjoins Muslims to be kind to them in all circumstances except for when they or one of them is calling you to worship other than Allah the Almighty, The Creator of all.

That Crazy Starving Muslim!

The real definition and practice of fasting extend beyond simply abstaining ourselves from food and drinks. Fasting also means self-restraint, from everything and anything that may displease God or go against the principles of decency. When we fast, we don’t eat or drink except at the right time, we don’t speak except for good words, we don’t perform except for beneficial deeds and we do not allow our hearts to be occupied by anything except for God, righteousness and all that is constructive.