Category Truth Seeker

The Story of the Qur’an

The Qur’an makes a clear distinction between the perceptible world of experience and the unseen world of transcendental reality. Revelation is a means for God’s specially chosen messengers to receive divine messages; we may call it an exclusive channel of communication accessible to the prophets.

Learning Institutions in Islam

It is already known that institutions such as al-Qayrawan, al-Qarawiyyin and al-Azhar, above all, were amongst the first universities throughout history. Another great body of institutions initiated by the Muslims were the Madrasas, or colleges, of which Ibn Jubayr counted thirty on his visit to Baghdad.

Muslim Contribution to the Geometry

The greatest scientific contribution Muslims made to the world is the creation of mathematical science. Algebra, geometry, algorithm and arithmetic are at the heart of every scientific and social aspect of life. There is hardly a single device, business entity, industry, architecture built without the Arabic numerals, the decimal point, the sign and cosine, the ruler and the compass, all of which are Islamic inventions.

Ethics in Islamic Finance: Defining Ethics (Part 2/2)

For a transaction to be ethical, the overall goals of Shari`ah should also be fulfilled at the contract level. Other than avoiding riba and gharar, Monzer Kahf indicates that fulfilling maqasid (objectives) at the transaction level would involve satisfying the objectives, principles and values underscored in the Islamic laws of transactions.