Category Truth Seeker

The Wise Thief

While he was sinking in the abyss of confusion and wonderment, one of the subjects started to explain what was happening to him. The subject told him that their original king has passed away and that all subjects of the kingdom agreed to appoint as their new king the first newcomer and that he was the first to visit their kingdom following the demise of their king.

Until You Are Allowed to Leave the Cocoon!

Out of his kindness and haste, the man did not realize that the cocoon was squeezing the extra and/or excessive liquids in the butterfly’s body – a matter which is designed by Allah’s Perfect Wisdom and All-Encompassing Knowledge – and that the effort the butterfly puts in its endeavor to get out of the cocoon strengthens its muscles and makes it capable of flying after it is released from the cocoon.

Whoever Relieves a Believer!

The seller turned to the man and said, “By Allah, I am neither cheating nor deceiving you! It is only that this woman has four kids whose father has passed away. He left them nothing, absolutely nothing! They are poor though very chaste and self-dignified. She refuses to accept any sort of assistance from anyone. And, what I have just done was the only way I could have ever thought of as an indirect way to give her a hand.

The Garbage Truck Ruling

At that very moment, I was taught a lesson that I have never forgotten since then. Later on, I called this lesson, “THE GARBAGE TRUCK RULING”. The driver said: “Many people act as a garbage truck. They move around with a load of trash, different types of problems, depression, failure, anger, and disappointment. When the load becomes unbearable or exceeds the limit within their souls

Prophethood and the Existence of the Creator

On the contrary, the basis of prophethood is absolute knowledge and faith in the existence of the Creator (Allah, the Most High and Exalted). True knowledge and even life itself are the creation of Allah, Who is the only Creator, the sole Sustainer and Healer. All authority and sovereign powers belong to Him and Him alone.

The Emergence of Gog and Magog

When Allah Wills them to be released, then at the end of the day they will say, “If Allah Wills, tomorrow we will break through.” The following day they will find the wall as they had left it the previous day (i.e. it will not have returned to its original state) and after breaking the remaining part of it they will emerge.

The Orphan in Islamic Law

Generally, an orphaned child is confronted by poverty and has a weak position in society. A minor child in such a compromised set of circumstances possesses nothing, not even the knowledge of how to cope. A child does not have the experience and life skills to make it on his or her own.