Category Truth Seeker

Can Birds Help Muslims Free Al-Aqsa Mosque?

Unless Muslims perfectly believe in Almighty Allah, possess the necessary spiritual and material powers, and leave no stone unturned in this regard, they will never be able to protect their sacred places or restore Al-Aqsa Mosque to their fold. This lesson is derived from the conduct of the flocks of birds mentioned in Surat Al-Fil. Each bird was carrying three small stones: two stones with its feet and one in its beak. In that way, the birds exerted themselves and did all in their power to defend the Sacred House.

Six Signs that Prove Muhammad’s Prophethood

The good biography and high morals as well as the noble qualities that distinguished him. He was known before becoming a Prophet as a truthful and honest person, although the community where he lived was a society of ignorance. This was, perhaps, the most important sign of his prophecy. He was not known to have ever lied on people. So, why should he lie on behalf of the Lord by claiming that he was a Prophet, if he was not a real Prophet?

Fulfilling One’s Obligations to Allah

If a Muslim swears, he should swear by Allah alone and nothing other than Him. If he makes an oath, he should fulfill it and not to break his vow no matter what. These are from among the noblest morals and ethics of Islam which is a way of life that encompasses everything in the life of a human being from birth to death. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said what may mean, “Whoever swears by anything other than Allah has associated something with Him (shirk).” (Narrated by Imam Ahmed)

Four Hadiths are Sufficient!

No doubt Islam is a divine faith revealed by Allah the Almighty Who created the whole universe and beyond to guide all humanity towards the Right Path. The Qur’an, the Divine Book cherished by Muslims, is a comprehensive book that contains everything ever needed by man to obtain the state of being well satisfied in this present life and the hereafter. The one who carried the Qur’an to Muslims was Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) who was sent by Allah to humanity to teach them all about Islam and to show them

Punishment for the Wrong-doers

Many people mistakenly think that Allah’s punishment for the wrong-doers is quick and comes immediately after they do their wrong-doings or mischievous acts. This is categorically wrong as will be elucidated in the following few lines

A Tale of an Old Shoe

The poor man kept crying and tears continued to drop from his eyes while looking toward the sky as a sign of gratitude and giving thanks to this generous divine grant from the Creator of all, Allah the Almighty.

A King and His Four Wives

As for the first wife, he neglected her, ignored her presence and used not to care about her or her feelings or give her her due rights though she loved him so much, cared about him so much, and had played a vital role in maintaining his kingdom.

The Islamic Concept of Faith

It appears from humankind’s ancient history and the oldest relics of antiquity that we have been able to obtain, that in every age, man had recognized some deity or deities and worshipped them. Even in the present age, every nation on the face of the earth — from the most primitive to the most civilized — believes in and worships some deity.

The Power of Words

Let us call upon others to do whatever we want through finding the link between what we require them to do and what they actually like to do. In a similar vein, let us consider what they do not like before we give them verdicts, decisions or instructions.