Category Truth Seeker

How to Attain a “Tranquil Soul”?

Following this, Allah the Almighty draws the attention of the “thinking man” to a number of deeds through which he can attain the objective of the whole surah a is stated above; that’s to attain the “tranquil soul”. This contains the command to honor the orphan, feed the poor and the needy and encourage other members of the faithful community to do so. Allah also forbids him to devour the inheritance, or love wealth very much as this increase in love for wealth may increase one in his wickedness. He says,

The Purpose of Creation (Part 2 / 2)

Why do human beings need to worship and glorify God by obeying the divinely revealed laws? This is because obedience to divine law is the key to success in this life and the next. The first human beings, Adam may Allah exalt his mention and Eve, were created in paradise and later expelled from paradise for disobeying the divine law. The only way for human beings to return to paradise is by obedience to the law.

The Forgiveness of Sins

God did not create humankind for any purpose other than to worship Him. However being human makes us frail and forgetful while at the same time our humanity often causes us to become full of our own importance; proud and arrogant. Arrogance in turn often causes us to commit sins, and our forgetfulness often causes us to make mistakes that can easily lead to sinful behavior. God knows us well; He is our Creator.

How Do You Disbelieve in Allah?

How do you disbelieve in Allah! How with unlimited number of question marks and exclamation marks. This statement demonstrates how strange and unnatural this act of kufr (disbelief) is, being aware that one did not exist before and thus ignoring th e Cause of existence. How would you disbelieve in the One Who gave you life and will cause you to die? And not only that but will give you life again and then calls you for accountability.

Belief in One God

Having achieved this knowledge of the One True God, one should constantly have faith in Him, and should allow nothing to induce them to deny the truth. When true faith enters a person’s heart, it impacts the person’s outlook and behavior. Prophet Muhammad, the final messenger of Islam, said, “Faith is that which resides firmly in the heart and which is proved by deeds.”

Fulfilling Needs of the Needy

Led by this awareness, Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, left seclusion (I’tikaf) in the Mosque of the Prophet, peace be upon him, just to walk with a disappointed distressed Muslim to fulfill his need. This sublime duty is emphasized if you are one of the influenced people in the community or if you hold one of the positions or authories that people desire and fear. There is a kind of zakat that is imposed on authority that must be paid exactly as money zakat must be paid.

Keeping away from Suspicions

Guarding against doubtful things includes avoiding exposing oneself to suspicions and doubt. This is what the Prophet , peace be upon him, did when he said to whom he saw him (the Prophet) standing with Lady Safyiah: “ She is Safyiah Bint Huyyai” so that he might keep his honor blameless and ward off suspicions, as Satan flows through the human being like blood in veins.” Therefore, a Muslim should ward off suspicions to keep his religion and honor blameless.

Belief in Angels in Islam

In the Islamic worldview, there are no fallen angels: they are not divided into ‘good’ and ‘evil’ angels. Human beings do not become angels after death. Satan is not a fallen angel, but is one of the jinn, a creation of God parallel to human beings and angels. Angels were created from light before human beings were created, and thus their graphic or symbolic representation in Islamic art is rare. Nevertheless, they are generally beautiful beings with wings as described in Muslim scripture.

Belief in the Afterlife

Resurrection will be preceded by the end of the world. God will command a magnificent angel to blow the Horn. At its first blowing, all the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will fall unconscious, except those spared by God. The earth will be flattened, the mountains turned into dust, the sky will crack, planets will be dispersed, and the graves overturned.