Category Truth Seeker

Nursi to the Youth: Belief is Your Shield

If man has fallen into misguidance and heedlessness, sorrows over what was done or missed in the past and anxieties about the future will mar his illicit pleasure, diluting it with pains. Such pleasure is like poisoned honey. This means that, with respect to enjoyments of life, misguided people are even a hundred times lower than the animals.

Prophet Muhammad: The Thankful Slave

Acknowledgement of God’s blessings; their appreciation and recognition should automatically lead one to be more humble and appreciative with God’s creation as well, just as was the case with Prophet Muhammad, who appreciated the good in people, no matter how little or seemingly insignificant it appeared to be.

The Serenity and Happiness of Believers (Part 1/2)

Serenity flourishes and thrives without any help from money or materialistic resources. You might be poor, yet Allah bestows you with serenity so that you achieve happiness even if you lose everything else, and you fall into misery by losing it even if you owned everything else. Serenity doesn’t need good health either; one could suffer sicknesses yet Allah bestows serenity in his heart.

The Serenity and Happiness of Believers (Part 2/2)

This serenity is a window that Allah opens upon Paradise to the believers among His servants, a window from which the heavenly breeze blows, the light shines, and the fragrance emerges. It’s a foretaste of what the believers offered as good deeds, and a preview of what is awaiting them as pleasures and delights.

The Night Journey: Shift in Spiritual Authority

It was high time for the spiritual authority to be transferred from a nation whose history got pregnant with treachery, breach of covenants, and aggression to a nation blessed with piety and dutifulness toward Allah. This nation has a Messenger who enjoys the privilege of the Qur’anic revelation, which leads to that which is best and right.

Influencing the Behavior of Muslim Youth and Their Parents

The behavior of growing children is influenced by many factors that include their parents and other close relatives, teachers, peers at school, community and the media. Lack of discipline and civilized behavior at school is a major problem in the U.S., the fallout of which is also seen at home! With broken families and the absence of a father at home, this becomes a major problem for single mothers raising a teenager.

The Lost Art of Altruism

Fethullah Üzümcüoğlu and his bride Esra Polat behaved as true believers when they took their savings for their wedding and put it towards feeding their neighbors in Turkey’s Kilis Province earlier this month. And who were their neighbors? They just so happened to be thousands of Syrian refugees.

Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi

An irate French girl came up to the Sultan and said, “You murderer, you have killed my father, and captured both of my brothers, so there remains no one to support me!” Our hero calmly ordered that her brother be set free and then addressed her: “As for your father, he was killed in a war which he started himself and in which many innocent people were killed.” The French girl looked down full of shame and regret for her insolence with such an honorable man and with tears in her eyes, she said “Forgive me, sir!