Category Truth Seeker

Can a Sword Capture a Human Heart?

Some people claim that Islam only spread at the point of swords. The only answer capable of refuting such a false claim is that a sword can conquer and open territories but certainly cannot conquer the human heart. As opening hearts and unlocking their seals require some other instrument. It needs persuasion of the mind, attraction of emotions, and impressing the psychological element in man.

Scholars’ Status and Grace

Indeed, it is a duty in Islam. Every Muslim has to love and support the faithful after adhering to Allah and following His Messenger, exactly as it is expressed by the Qur’an. This applies in particular to the scholars who are the heirs of the prophets, whom Allah made to be like the stars which guide people in the darkness of land and sea. There is a consensus among all Muslims on their guidance and their knowledge.

Nature of Differences among People

If our different tongues and colors as well as the characteristics of our creation are but a sign of Allah the Almighty, the different perspectives and minds and what is produced by those perspectives and minds are also a sign from Him as well as an evidence of His great Power. Reconstruction of the universe, prosperity of existence, and the emergence of life would not have been possible, had all people been created equal in everything, but all is equipped to perform what he was created for.

Abu Hurairah: Master of the Memorizers

Abu Hurairah had an excellent memory and he was able to quickly memorize and did not forget. Ash-Shafi‘i, May Allah Have Mercy upon him, said about him, “He is the person who memorized the most Hadith in his time.” Abu Hurairah said about himself, “No one knows the Hadiths of the Prophet more than me except Abdullah ibn ‘Amr, for he used to write them and I did not.”

The Real Status of Women in Islam

No matter what Muslim women do or say to try to convince the world otherwise, words like hijab, burka, polygamy, and Sharia seem to do little but convince people that Islam oppresses women. Even educated, articulate women fulfilling the modest conditions of hijab can do little to dispel the myths. Women who conduct themselves with decorum and grace and function effortlessly in the modern world have their achievements and successes celebrated.

Repentance in a Taxi Trip

The man burst into tears all of a sudden and cried hysterically. He never stopped so I had to stop the car at the road side to calm him down. I talked to him but he never replied; he just went on crying and weeping. I thought that the Qur’an recitation was the reason for his crying so I turned off the cassette player.

Glimpses on the Night Journey

The Night Journey experience, presented in classical accounts of the Prophet’s life as a gift from God and a consecration for the Messenger, the Elect (al-Mustafa) was a real trial for Muhammad and those around him. It marked the boundary between those believers whose faith radiated in their trust in this Prophet and his message and the others, who were taken aback by the improbability of such a story.