Category Oasis of Faith

This sections attempts to add a spiritual touch to the life of our audience so as to attract a new segment of those who are not attracted by mental appeals and rational talks.

What Should One Do after Hajj?

A person whose state was like that during those specified days better, after his Hajj, continue to do what he used to do during the Hajj. This includes remembering Allah, humbling himself with enslavement to Him during the Hajj, and being keen on following the Sunnah of His Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and his guidance in spite of the hardships and discomfort that one encounters during the Hajj. Without such hardships and discomfort, one should be even keener on absolute compliance and perfect

Hajj: A Universal Message for Peace

In hajj, a pilgrim meets and peacefully deals with people from different languages, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and schools; so he trains himself to accept plurality and diversity. He will be open to live in peace and co-exist with people of different faiths and cooperate with them for the betterment of their community and the whole world.