Category Oasis of Faith

This sections attempts to add a spiritual touch to the life of our audience so as to attract a new segment of those who are not attracted by mental appeals and rational talks.

Introduction to Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave) – Part 1

This surah comes to provide you with an escape route, a way of salvation, a safety net, a life vest, a lifeboat. It gives us a way out; how to rescue ourselves from all these trials and ordeals? As we all, all of us, without any exceptions, are all subject to these trials in one way or another. No one is ever exempted!

Belief in God’s Books and Messengers

The only book by which humanity is responsible in our time is the Qur’an, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him). Because, as the Qur’an informs, the earlier books, which were originally revealed to communicate the truth to mankind, were later altered through additions and deletions

Four Stories, Four Trials, and Four Lifeboats

It relates the story of a number of faithful young men who lived in a disbelieving village/city. They eventually made up their minds to abandon their village and flee to Allah with their faith after they were confronted by their own people lead by the aggressive and unjust ruler. Then they were rewarded by Allah the Almighty Who showered upon them His Mercy in the cave and ordered the sun not to harm them in any way and they were overcome by sleep for a long time. After they were awaken up by Allah the Almighty, they found that faith has entered the hearts of the people of their own village/city, all of them and the ruler became one of the faithful as well. That was their reward!

Lessons Derived from the Story of the People of the Cave

The story of the People of the Cave was not something amazing compared to Allah’s Power and Ability, for the creation of the heavens and earth, the alternation of night and day and the subjugation of the sun, moon and heavenly bodies, and other mighty signs indicate the great power of Allah and show that He is able to do whatever He wills. He is not incapable of doing more amazing things than the story of the people of the Cave.”

Come To A Word That Is Just

Prophet Muhammad believed that the King of Ethiopia, being a devout Christian, would give his people sanctuary and treat them with compassion. The Makkan leaders however refused to let the new Muslims find relief and hastened to send their own emissaries to slander and defame them.

Prayer Accelerates the Treatment of the Sick

The positive effect of faith and prayer on the sick and the way these accelerate treatment is a matter that has attracted the attention of and is recommended by doctors. Under the heading “God and Health: Is Religion Good Medicine? Why Science Is Starting to Believe,” the 10 November, 2003, edition of the famous magazine Newsweek took the curative effect of religion as its cover story.

A Year Has Ended!

In all languages of the world, with all their similarities and discrepancies, it is a “disturbing” fact that the year has passed so soon. For me, no rhetoric whatever or any degree of euphemism in any language is capable of reducing the “negative” connotations of that statement. Yes, this is a sad fact because it simply means that the life of every human being has lost another precious year towards the inevitable end of all creatures, death.

The Shallow People’s Sense of Humor

Those who live in a shallow culture use mockery in their humor, which believers would never do. These people often use mockery to put someone else down and elevate themselves, to make themselves the center of attention. When they detect that another individual has said something wrong