Category Oasis of Faith

This sections attempts to add a spiritual touch to the life of our audience so as to attract a new segment of those who are not attracted by mental appeals and rational talks.

Progress at the Expense of Moral Bankruptcy

Scientists have indeed come up with the most unbelievable discoveries that will inevitably change the quality of life of humans, mostly for the better. Take the discovery of a revolutionary gene-editing technique that can delete a gene linked to heart conditions from a human embryo or remove the human papillomavirus (HPV) to disable the tumor growth mechanism in women.

Jesus (PBUH) – The Spiritual Ascetic

‘Isa/Jesus (pbuh) was the embodiment of the true zaahid. Ka’b al-Ahbar said; Jesus the son of Mary would walk bare-footed, claiming nothing in the way of shelter, finery, wares, garments, or money; of the latter he would procure only enough to subsist for the day. Once the sun would set, he would align himself and pray until morning.

Allah’s Beautiful Promises to Believers

Allah gives glad tidings of His support and Paradise to believers, and has proclaimed that He will reward all Muslims who serve in His path. Those Muslims who know that they will recompensed for each good deed, kindness, and good behavior that they do, and for their decision to adhere to the Qur’an, will experience the beauty of submission, trust, patience, and faith.

Top 5 Reasons to Admire Prophet Muhammad

You can’t generalize the world’s Muslims, since there are 1.5 billion of them, and they don’t have an over-all view of the United States. Some like American freedoms and principles but dislike US foreign policy toward issues such as Palestine. People in the eastern part of the Middle East have a negative view of the US under Trump. But a Muslim country like Senegal has a majority that views the US favorably and in Indonesia,

All Beings are Subjected to God

Bees’ compliance with God’s commands in the manner in which they conduct themselves is not an anomaly. God provides us with this example to allow us to understand that all beings, including man, act by His Will. The Qur’an indicates that this is a sign for those who reflect. All beings are entirely subjected to His command

False Beliefs about Allah

Distortion of the Torah and the New Testament led proliferation of false beliefs among their adherents. These holy books include beliefs and ideas that derive from outside of Allah’s true religion. This manifests itself in the distortion of the true revelation, and the depiction of Allah as a being with weaknesses and imperfections peculiar to human beings.

Happiness as Understood from the Sunnah

The faces of the old and young – and indeed even the trees and birds around us – rejoice when they come to know about the happiness of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). This is because his happiness is happiness for those who love him, and guidance for those who follow him. So, let us learn the perfect etiquette and the wonderful guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in times of delight.

Where Wisdom and Conscience Have No Place

The system of ignorance leaves no room for thought; it means living without thinking, speaking without thinking, giving decisions without thinking, implementing without thinking… Ignorant people regard thinking as a waste of time, and more importantly, perceive it as troublesome, since it definitely calls for conscience and wisdom