Category Jewels of Islam

Diligence: The Way to Success

There are norms and laws in the universe that man is not permitted to contradict. Instead, he should abide by them so as to enjoy a good life and eternal happiness in the Hereafter. One such norm is that if one works hard, he will find results; if one exhausts oneself a little bit, he can enjoy a long rest. Indeed reaping noble benefits depends on experiencing difficulties.

Qiblah Finding: An Art Made Easier Through the Ages

Hence, a slight deviation in the Qiblah is generally regarded as something permissible as long as the worshipper has done his utmost in trying to get it right, and perfection sure lies with Allah alone. There might not be much cause for worry if the deviation from the Qiblah is slight, but what happens if the deviation was great or totally off while praying?

The Arabic Language (Part 1/2)

By the beginning of the eighth century, the Islamic Arab Empire had spread from Persia to Spain, resulting in the interaction between Arabs and local populations who spoke different languages. In Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, where the majority of the population spoke some dialect of Aramaic and where Arab tribes had been present in the vicinity, the local languages were for the most part replaced by Arabic.