The Existence and Unity of the Creator
Thus, the huge window consisting of twelve openings in twelve places shows through a light of truth of twelve colors the Oneness and Singleness of Almighty God and the perfection of His Lordship.
This section covers all issues related to the existence of God, how we should know Him, how to feel His existence, etc.
Thus, the huge window consisting of twelve openings in twelve places shows through a light of truth of twelve colors the Oneness and Singleness of Almighty God and the perfection of His Lordship.
By remembering God in the way He has taught us to, we are more likely to gain acceptance of our prayers and His Mercy in times of difficulty. When our heart feels heavy with stress, worry or grief we must communicate with the only one who not only hears and knows all, but who can also change our situation and give us the patience to deal with our difficulties.
In this marvelous lecture titled, Living in an Atheistic Society, Dr. Shabir Ally tackles a number of important questions to which he gives substantial rational answers. These questions include: What is Atheism?, What is the “Problem of Evil”?, What is Agnosticism?, Does God exist?, and, what evidence supports the existence of God?
You do believe that the universe was created without a creator; i.e. it did not need to have a creator. Then, why do you accept the argument that the universe existed on its own and at the same time find it strange when the people of faith say that Allah, the One who created the universe, has no beginning?!
It is ignoble that some people may curse heaven when the earth goes bad. Instead of doing what is incumbent upon one as to set right the chaos and correct what went wrong, one starts to unjustly babble with many words accusing Allah and religion!
Satan does not just want you to go to hell, but also wants to ensure you live in hell in this world. Just like he despaired, he wants you to despair. Our good opinion of God should never allow us to do that.
Travelers to God, when left solely to their own strength, may be overcome by fatigue of the road and their steps slacken or stop. Reliance placed on divine provisions must be twice as much as that placed on their efforts
Does God Exist, Existence of God, final revelation, Qur’an, creation of the universe, big bang, purpose of life, atheism, atheist, agnostic, agnosticism
Truth be told, all humans are born in a natural state of Islam, called the fitrah. It is the parents, or legal guardians, of the newborn who decide the path of religion that the helpless soul will be brought up to recognize as their faith.