Category Does God Exist?

This section covers all issues related to the existence of God, how we should know Him, how to feel His existence, etc.

Does Science Really Lead to Atheism? (Part 1/4)

Are Science and Atheism Compatible? Does Science Really Lead To Atheism? This is the main topic of this debate – among many other issues of course that may help understand this crucial topic. The debate is presented by two main players in the field as follows:
Representing the Muslim perspective was Adam Deen. While, representing the Atheist side was Dr. Peter William Atkins.You are invited to watch Episode (1) of this exciting debate and see for yourself using your own mind.

Seeking The Guide

Recently, I found myself to be very lost. And this was alarming because I used to be a person who had direction. I thought I knew where I was going and what I was doing. But things started to fall apart, internally. I wasn’t sure anymore. And then I realized I had three choices…

Does Science Really Lead to Atheism? (Part 2/4)

Are Science and Atheism Compatible? Does Science Really Lead To Atheism? This is the main topic of this debate – among many other issues of course that may help understand this crucial topic. The debate is presented by two main players in the field as follows:
Representing the Muslim perspective was Adam Deen. While, representing the Atheist side was Dr. Peter William Atkins.You are invited to watch Episode (1) of this exciting debate and see for yourself using your own mind.

Does Science Really Lead to Atheism? (Part 3/4)

This is part 3-4 of the debate between Adam Deen and Dr. Peter William Atkins on the topic: Does Science Really lead to Atheism? Here we will be watching the rebuttal of both debaters as can be seen in the title.

Are Science and Atheism Compatible? Does Science Really Lead To Atheism? This is the main topic of this debate – among many other issues of course that may help understand this crucial topic. The debate is presented by two main players in the field as follows:

Does Science Really Lead to Atheism? (Part 4/4)

This is part 4-4 of the debate between Adam Deen and Dr. Peter William Atkins on the topic: Does Science Really lead to Atheism? Here we will be watching the Q & A Session of the debate as can be understood from the title.

Are Science and Atheism Compatible? Does Science Really Lead To Atheism? This is the main topic of this debate – among many other issues of course that may help understand this crucial topic. The debate is presented by two main players in the field as follows:

How to Prove the Existence of God

Proving the existence of God is pretty straight forward. In fact, if God didn’t exist, no one would have ever spoken about Him. This short lecture, by Abu Muwahhid from the UK, aims to mainly refute the argument that God doesn’t exist because we cannot see Him.

Proof of Existence of Allah

The existence of Allah and affirming His attributes of absolute Perfection have become self-evident and hardly need any proof or argument. Only someone who is arrogant or with a diseased heart, would demand evidence for those self-evident truths. He may not even be satisfied with rational evidence.

The Unity of God

It is a fact that the universe did not come into existence by itself, and that it is not functioning spontaneously. The universe has been created, and is being run, by a single Being.