Category Truth Seeker
Health Benefits of Movement, Washing & Drinking Water

Allah’s Infinite Greatness and Power

God’s Attribute: The All-Peace

The Beauty of Allah’s Creation

Islam and Safeguarding Human Life in the Modern Context

While Muslims are proud of their contributions to science and technology as a means of improving the quality of human life, they are happy that they have little to do with the development of such technologies as linked to the destruction of nature, the environment, and of living beings through…
Islam and Civilized Societies
There is no correlation between materialistic civilization and elevated human values, i.e. between natural sciences and morality. To reach a high standard of morality, man should be rightly guided, and to perceive the existence of the Supreme Lord, Almighty Allah, man should be religiously guided.
What Is Islam’s View about Education, Science and Technology?

Islam advocates the incorporation of knowledge within a just and balanced value system where anything beneficial for one’s spiritual and worldly improvement is encouraged and advocated.
Muslim Printing Before Gutenberg

Gutenberg does seem to have been the first to devise a printing press, but printing itself, that is, making multiple copies of a text by transferring it from one raised surface to other portable surfaces (especially paper) is much older.
Muslims’ Contribution in Algebra

In the twelfth century Gerard of Cremona and Roberts of Chester translated the algebra of Al-Khowarizmi into Latin. Mathematicians used it all over the world until the sixteenth century.