Category The Faith

What Are the Fundamentals of Faith?

The fundamentals of faith are based upon pure monotheism, which means worshiping God alone without partner or intercessor. Muslims believe in the One and Only God who is the most Merciful Loving Creator of existence. While separate from His creation, He is perfectly transcendental above and greater than anything we could ever perceive or completely […]

Is Coronavirus a Divine Punishment?

By Dr. Yasir Qadhi A lot of people are forwarding messages from scholars (or others) who are claiming that the coronavirus spreading in the city of Wuhan is a Divine Punishment upon the Chinese people for what is happening to the Uighurs. This type of categorical declaration is not only unbefitting from a theological perspective, […]

What Is the Message of Islam?

By Faten Sabri From the time of Adam[1], God (Allah) the Creator assigned the most righteous person as a prophet to a particular society to guide mankind. The Creator’s message is to believe in Him and worship Him alone. Whenever people slipped into moral decline by worshiping other things or humans with  Him, He would […]

Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) a Punishment from Allah?

Question: Are the viruses such as Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the catastrophes a punishment from Allah? Answer: Answering your question, the European Council for Fatwa and Research, states: In actual fact, people, as individuals and groups regardless of their places and positions, are subject to tests and adversities, one of the ways of life. Tests come […]