Khadijah: An Example for a Righteous Woman Serving Islam
The article talks about a great woman in the life of the Prophet. She is Lady Khadijah who played a significant role in the history of Islam.
The article talks about a great woman in the life of the Prophet. She is Lady Khadijah who played a significant role in the history of Islam.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem talks about the meaning and application of the concept of brotherhood after the migration of Prophet Muhammed and Muslims to Medina.
The article relates a part of the conspiracies of the Jews against the Prophet Muhammad during the early days of Islam in Makkah. Read..
Who was Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq; a chemist or a hadith narrator? What did lead him to be such an exceptional scholar and thinker? Learn here about his knowledge, virtue, wisdom and love for the Sahabah.
Abu Ad-Darda was one of the righteous Companions of the Prophet that his words are precious lessons on the true teachings of Islam; the religion and way
The article completes the discussion regarding the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s night Journey to Jerusalem and then to the Heavens.
One night, as the Prophet was asleep in the home of his cousin Umm Hani in Makkah, the Angel Gabriel came and woke him up and took him by hand…Where to? What happened?
The article provides some of the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s night Journey to Jerusalem and then to the Heavens.
The article shows some of the major events occurring before the Prophet’s miraculous journey to heaves that served to its happening. Where is the focus keyword?
What do you know about Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj?Should Muslims celebrate it? What did happened on that night? When was that?