Everyone Is Born a Muslim
Despite the pure nature man is born in, could they find God on their own? How could man be deviated from the truth? And how could we find our way back to God?
Allah is most perfectly Just. He has given us a chance to make our lives full of purpose during our time on earth so that we can be judged fairly on the Day of Judgment.
The choice is yours to make. Do not rely on what others say or be afraid to forge your own path. Choose your right religion.
In Islam, there are no churchmen such as the European church had. All people are equal and they are treated, as they deserve to be, in the light of their deed in life. The most honored of all people are the God-fearing individuals.
How is your heart and mind attached to God? Are you one of those taking faith for granted? Are you worshipping Him the way He deserves? How close are you to His teachings and orders?
God is not only willing and powerful, He is also Just in that He does not punish a sinner for more than his crime. He is merciful and His mercy, in the words of the Prophet “Overcame his punishment.”
Everything which occurred in the past, is occurring in the present, and will occur in the future in this universe was known to Allah before it came to be.
In Islam, God has established five principles which define the framework for the Muslim life. These principles are better known as the five pillars of Islam. Each pillar represents a duty which is obligatory upon every able Muslim.
The article focuses on a hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which explains that fitrah (pure nature) can discriminate between what is good and what is evil.