What Is the Ruling of Wiping over Hijab during Wudu?
What is the ruling of wiping over my hijab (head cover for women) instead of wiping over my head in wudu (ablution)? Watch to get the answers.
What is the ruling of wiping over my hijab (head cover for women) instead of wiping over my head in wudu (ablution)? Watch to get the answers.
What is the ruling of running fingers through beard in wudu? What is the ruling of washing face in wudu? Watch this video to get the answer.
What is the ruling of making up the missed prayers? How to make up the missed Maghrib Prayer after the iqamah of Isha’?
What is the ruling if I forget the middle tashahhud while praying Zhuhr or Isha prayer? Watch this short video to get the answer.
Is it permissible to make duaa (supplication) during sujud? Can I make it in my own language? Watch this video to get the answer.
What are the conditions of wiping over socks (Masah ala Khuffain)? Watch this short video to get the answer.
How could you prayer the Witr prayer? What is the minimum number for the Witr Prayer? Watch this short video to get the answer.
What is the time for tahajjud prayer? How can one get up for Fajr Prayer (Dawn)? Watch this talk to get the answer.
Is it permissible for women to pray behind men in the same hall of the Majid without partition? Watch this short video to get the answer.
What is the effect in standing to prayer lazily?