Ruling of Friday Prayer
What is the ruling of Friday Prayer? What is the ruling of one who does not pray it?
What is the ruling of Friday Prayer? What is the ruling of one who does not pray it?
What are the etiquettes of Friday Sermon? What is the ruling of talking during the khutbah of Jumu`ah? What is the best way to remember Allah?
What is the ruling of washing the dead body of one’s husband? Is the dead body of one’s mother still `awrah?
How could one wipe over the socks? Is it better to wipe over socks or taking them off to wash the feet?
What is the ruling of ablution after white discharge? What is the ruling of the clinical discharge?
What are the virtues of the Friday Prayer? What is the ruling of the Friday Prayer? What is the time of the Jumu`ah Prayer? What is the ruling of neglecting the Friday Prayer without a valid excuse?
What is the ruling of ablution after changing my baby’s diaper? Does touching the impurity nullify one’s ablution?
Is it permissible to recite invocations during Sujud As-Sahw?
What is the ruling of combining two prayers while traveling? Is combining two prayers restricted to the case of travelling? Is it allowed to shorten prayer in situations other than traveling?
What is the ruling of catching the prayer while the imam in the last tashahhud?