Can We Offer Prayer in the Hotel Room?
Can we pray (make Salah) at the hotel room? What if the rug or the floor is not pure? Watch this short video to get the answer.
This section focuses on the different rulings and conditions pertaining to Prayer, such as proper clothing, purification of the body, place, and clothes, the time of Prayer, facing the qiblah, etc.
Can we pray (make Salah) at the hotel room? What if the rug or the floor is not pure? Watch this short video to get the answer.
Do Women Praying at Home get Same Reward as Praying in Congregation? Watch this short video to get the answer with Sheikh Waleed Basyouni.
What is the Ruling of Offering Greeting the Masjid Prayer? Watch this short talk to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
What is the importance of offering Friday Prayer?
What is the ruling of shortening the prayer if some one intends to travel and reside more than four days? Watch this video to get the answer.
What are the pillars of prayer without which the prayer is invalid? Watch this short talk to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
Is Bowing to Your Sensei in Martial Arts Allowed in Islam? Watch this short talk to get the answer with Sheikh Waleed Basyouni.
What is the Ruling of Praying in Car Without Facing the Qiblah? Watch this short video to get the answer with Dr. Muhammad Salah.
What is the sunnah before and after Zhuhr Prayer (Noon Prayer)? Watch this short talk to get the answer with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan.
What is the ruling of reciting out loud or silently in the nafl prayers? Watch this short talk to get the answer with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan.