What Could Be Done If a Child Blocks the Place of Prostration?
What could be done if a child blocks the place of prostration?
This section focuses on the different rulings and conditions pertaining to Prayer, such as proper clothing, purification of the body, place, and clothes, the time of Prayer, facing the qiblah, etc.
What could be done if a child blocks the place of prostration?
Sheikh Shams Ad Duha talks about the merits of Tarawih prayer how to perfect your prayer during the blessed month of Ramadan.
What is the wisdom of the congregational prayer? What are the merits of the congregational prayer?
What is the ruling of making supplication while offering prayer?
What should one do if missed the congregational prayer?
Why is it a must to offer prayer on time? Why do most of us lose concentration during the prayer?
What is the ruling of prostration of thankfulness? When could one perform it? Is it a condition to be in a state of purity to perform it?
What are the kinds of blood that are seen by women? What is meant by istihadah? What is the ruling of prayer while bleeding after 40 days of nifas?
What is the ruling if a person does not intend to perform ablution during the optional ritual bath of Friday?
What is the ruling of facing the qiblah when offering prayer? What is the ruling of a person who does not know the direction of the qiblah?