The Fiqh of Fasting: Definition and Prerequisites – Part 1
What is Fasting in Ramadan? How should one fast in Ramadan? What are the most important requisites for the validity of fasting in Ramadan? Read ..
This category explains the five pillars of Islam (shahadah, salah (prayer), zakah (charity), sawm (fasting), hajj (pilgrimage).
What is Fasting in Ramadan? How should one fast in Ramadan? What are the most important requisites for the validity of fasting in Ramadan? Read ..
The Essential Elements of Fasting are the mandatory acts that must be observed so that fasting can be valid. Read more about them here..
Fasting is invalid in any of the following occurs. However, there are actions that break the fast unanimously and others where there are different opinions.
Although there are many recommended acts concerning fasting, we will discuss here those ones related to fiqh of fasting. Read..
What are the Five Pillars of Islam and what is the origin of this expression? Which comes first, and why? Are they all what Islam is about? In other words, do I need anything beside them to be Muslim?
Have a legal excuse such as illness, disability, fear, travel etc. and do not know how to perform Prayer? You can find the answer in this article.
Where should I say the Shahadah? Being one’s own choice, why should it be in public? Is it just a kind of ritual practice?
Observing the two supererogatory rak’ahs of the dawn prayer is highly recommended. The Prophet (PBUH) never missed them even when he travelled.
To lighten the burdens of travel, Islam allows its followers to shorten the Prayer during their travels so long as the prerequisites are met.
Due to the concept of “La Ilaha Illa Allah” Allah brought the creation into being, and due to this concept He created Paradise and Hellfire. So what does this concept mean?