Fasting with the Prophet: Day 3
What does the Prophet’s life say about the essence and true meaning of fasting? Find out here
What does the Prophet’s life say about the essence and true meaning of fasting? Find out here
What do circumstances of the Prophet’s life and nature in general say about the essence of life? How is nature talking to us, and what does it say? What does we Learn from that?
I found that Ramadan had more to do with the company I kept during my thirty-day journey and far more to do with the feeding of the soul rather than the feeding of the stomach. What about yours?
In effort to get the very essence of our religion we try to understanding the Prophet’s life; his Seerah (biography). Learn here about …
To reflect on life and nature with your heart and mind, to read this nature in the way we deal with time and the world around us, to surrender yourself to God
In effort to get the very essence of our religion we try to understanding the Prophet’s life; his Seerah (biography)…
Still following on the footsteps of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to get the very essence of our religion through understanding the Prophet’s life…
Sheikh Yusuf Estes sheds light on the religion of Islam and its pillars. He also explains the meaning of the testimony of faith. Among other things, this lecture also touches upon the story of Adam and Eve and how Satan caused them to be drived out of Paradise. Watch this video to learn more…
This is some great advice from James an 85 year old man who has been thru war war 2 and see many things in life you want to pay close attention to what he has to say.
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