Muslim Manners
Islam is a complete code of conduct. How should we conduct ourselves? How should we act in a certain way? Watch this show to know Sh. Ibrahim Zidan’s answer to these questions and much more about Muslim manners.
Islam is a complete code of conduct. How should we conduct ourselves? How should we act in a certain way? Watch this show to know Sh. Ibrahim Zidan’s answer to these questions and much more about Muslim manners.
Sheikh Yusuf Estes talks about the relationship between boys and girls in Islam.
“Oh God, we seek refuge in You from associating anything with You while we know it, and we seek repentance from associating something other with You while we don’t know it.”
Oh God, I seek refuge in You from sorrow and sadness, and from unableness and laziness.
Oh God, grant me safety and health in my body, in my hearing and in my sight. There’s no god besides You.
Oh God, I acknowledge Your blessing upon me and I acknowledge my sin. So forgive me for none can forgive sins except You.
Oh God, I testify that there is no god but You, I seek Your forgiveness and to You I repent.
What does make a Muslim say their prayers at places where there is no one to ask them to offer them or even to see them? What is it that makes them voluntarily undergo rigors of fasting?
On the first time of Ramadan it is critically important to sand on the essence of our religion; its true message and teachings, following the Prophet (peace be upon him). It is time to come back to the Qur’an when it comes to its central figure, Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him). It’s, therefore, time […]
What relationship was between our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him)? What message were they following?