Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 10
That’s why we need a prayer that shows how we need God’s help to achieve beyond our limited power and skills. Learn and reflect on it here with Dr. Tariq Ramadan…
That’s why we need a prayer that shows how we need God’s help to achieve beyond our limited power and skills. Learn and reflect on it here with Dr. Tariq Ramadan…
Here’s another supplication in which we learn to ask God to protect us from the people of ill intentions. Such bad-intentioned people can harm us and harm our faith in God.
Why does Ramadan have such status in Islam? What blessings and rewards does the Month of Ramadan have? What’s special about that act of worship? How can we get such blessings?
With many mistakes, weaknesses, failures we turn to Him, the Protector, fully aware that no One but Him can protect, help us although all these misdeeds. He protects us even from our own selves. Out of His protection we are here in this world, and with His protection we will come back to Him. This […]
Finding peace and acceptance with a non-Muslim family is a real test for the new Muslim, not to tell during Ramadan. So, what should be done?
Why are you talking about arrogance in Ramadan? What does Ramadan have to do with arrogance?And what do we need to remind ourselves of during the Blessed Month of Ramadan?
Don’t shed the disappointment and don’t ignore the regret. It is a sign of our iman, our faith and relationship with Allah.
Reflect for a moment on what makes you and your closest friends closer than other people. Often times you’ll realize it’s the amount and quality of time you spend with each other.
How does Ramadan liberate man from what holds them back or down? How does fasting reshape our spiritual well-being?
One of the laws of spirituality is that our relationship with Allah is impacted by our relationship with others. When we hold grudges against others, it inhibits our relationship with Allah.