Rites of Tarwiyah and ‘Arafah Days, the First Two Days of Hajj

This article discusses the rites and rituals a pilgrim need to carry out on the first two days of Hajj, namely, the Tarwiyah and ‘Arafat Days.
This article discusses the rites and rituals a pilgrim need to carry out on the first two days of Hajj, namely, the Tarwiyah and ‘Arafat Days.
Islam encourages its followers to start, step by step, to learn those teachings so that they can worship Allah correctly and gain the great reward specified for them.
The word “Muslim” means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background. Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process that requires no pre-requisites. One may convert alone in privacy, or he/she may do so in the presence of others.
Tara Dahane shares her story about her journey to wear hijab in the hope that
some aspiring sisters will glean strength from it.
Summer is a time to feel a bit free and to have a chance to do all the things you didn’t have time to do during the year. For many people it is a time for sea, sun, and surf, or for bushwhacking, mountain climbing, canoeing, or hiking. But as a new Muslim woman what can you do in the summer?
Here are ten out of many reasons that will help non-Muslims know about Islam’s distinctive points such as being the religion harmonious with human nature.
The Gracious Quran encourages people to read and reflect on its signs so that they can benefit from it and differentiate between truth and falsehood.
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hat should a new Muslim’s first steps be right after accepting Islam? How should he deal with this lifetime change?