Intercessors on the Day of Resurrection. Who? – Part 5

As well as the Gracious Quran, one’s good and righteous relatives may act as intercessors on one’s behalf on the Day of Resurrection.
As well as the Gracious Quran, one’s good and righteous relatives may act as intercessors on one’s behalf on the Day of Resurrection.
Prophet Muhammad’s messages on anti-racism are important in light of the unrest in USA. He unequivocally condemned racism …
The Prophet’s life mirrored the due harmony between faith and actions. He is the exemplary and the prime model of conduct for all Muslims to follow.
Islam provides a balanced lifestyle for women seeking the true meaning of perfection as it focuses more on inner beauty of women.
This article talks about the life of our Lady, Khadijah, her qualities, merits and her help and support to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Islam.
`Ammar was enduring the dreadful anguish of the body because his spirit was lofty, but now when he thought defeat had reached his spirit,..
Not only was the description of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mentioned in the early Holy Scriptures but also that of his companions (may Allah be pleased with them).
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an orphan who lived under the guardianship of his grandfather, ‘Abd al-Muttalib after his mother’s death.
Islam stresses the importnace of a strong family relationship where every member knows their duties and rights as explained and embodied by Muhammad (PBUH).