Category Fasting

This category explains Fasting ( Sawm ), its rulings and conditions in Islam.

Approaching Ramadan

As we eagerly anticipate the beginning of the Blessed Month of Ramadan, the staff of Zaytuna Institute wishes all of our volunteers, friends, and supporters an accepted and purifying fast.

Ramadan Nutrition and Workout Plan for Success

I am frequently asked, “How can I workout and eat properly while fasting?” Most people see the blessed month of Ramadan as a time when they will lose strength and muscle mass; some think they can only “maintain” themselves during this month, while many women actually gain weight!

All About Ramadan 1438-2017

Islam aims to transform the whole life of man into a life of worship. Fasting is the second act of worship that Allah enjoins upon the Muslim that help us come to that life of total worship.