Correct Your Recitation (62)

From the fifteenth verse of Surat At-Takwir to the nineteenth of Surat Al-Infitar Sheikh Salah goes on interpreting the meaning of the verses
This section presents training sessions and programs on Tajweed, as well as various drills to help the Muslim memorize or commit the Qur’an to his/her heart. This section includes four recorded programs (The Noble Emissaries, Double Reward, Correct Your Recitation, Tajweed in English) and these four programs should be deemed as the nucleus of the section as many other programs will follow in the future insha’ Allah.
From the fifteenth verse of Surat At-Takwir to the nineteenth of Surat Al-Infitar Sheikh Salah goes on interpreting the meaning of the verses
Here’s another valuable lesson with Sheikh Muhammad Salah instructing us in reciting Surat An-Nazi`at 79, then he moves on to the tafseer of its verses.
Here’s a new episode of Correct Your Recitation with Sheikh Muhammad Salah and Surat At-Takwir …
Arabic alphabets & articulation points (Part 6)
Idgham – Merging (Part 1)
How to recite the Qur’an in the perfect way? What do you know about the rules of tajweed?
What is meant by `illiyyin and sijjin? What is the fate of both the believers and disbelievers on the Hereafter? Mention some of the attributes of the believers in paradise? What are the characteristics of the drink known as sealed nectar?
Do you know the signs of the Day of Judgment? What will happen to the sky and the earth on that day? What does it mean to receive your record with the right hand?
What is the ruling of sajdahs in the Qur’an? What are the signs of Allah’s greatness in the universe?
How does Allah the Almighty describe the Qur’an in the surah? How does Allah describe the process of the creation of humans?