Category Learn the Qur’an

Is the Qur’an the Word of God?

Who wrote the Qur'an? What is it? Where did it come from? How did it arrive to us? Why do we need a new book while we do have the Old and New Testaments? These are only some of the questions raised by Dr. Morey concerning the Qur'an. Join us in this 3-hour debate to see how Dr. Jamal Badawi refutes them all as well as other misconceptions regarding the Ever-Glorious Qur'an.

Saint Coran chapitre 30

Traduction française de la sourate de la partie Coran L’article 30 Verset 1 sourate An-Naba’ Pour Verset 6 sourate An-Nas Coran: Parole de Dieu est le miracle qui a été révélé au Prophète Muhammed dans la langue arabe par l’ange Gabriel. Ces mots ont été enregistrés miracle dans le Livre de Dieu, qui a été […]