Category Learn the Qur’an

Correct Your Recitation (94)

Recitation of the Qur’an  Almighty Allah says: …and recite the Qur’an with measured recitation. (Al-Muzzammil 73:4) In another verse: Those to whom We have given the Book recite it with its true recital. They [are the ones who] believe in it. (Al-Baqarah 2:121) Welcome to a new interesting episode of “Correct Your Recitation” series with […]

The Noble Emissaries 01

In this series Sheikh Yasir Al-Qadhi gives simple, detailed, and practical explanation of the rules of Tajweed in a way that helps English-speaking Muslims to master the recitation of the noble Qur’an, a lofty goal that should be sought by every Muslim.