Tajweed: Introduction to the Oral Cavity Makharij

What is meant by the Makhraj? What are the Makharij of the Arabic Alphabet? What is meant by the Makhraj of oral cavity?
What is meant by the Makhraj? What are the Makharij of the Arabic Alphabet? What is meant by the Makhraj of oral cavity?
What is the meant by the Makhraj of Al-Halq? What are the letters that come through the throat?
How should people prepare for the Hereafter? How could one find the way of guidance? What is meant by Al-Huamazah?
What is meant by the resurrection? What do you know about the horror of the Day of Judgment?
How do people deviate from the purpose of their creation? How should people prepare for the Hereafter? How could one find the way of guidance?
What do you know about the story of Abyssinian King who wanted to destroy the Ka`bah? What do you know about the summer and winter journey of Quraish?
How should we take care of orphans in Islam? What do you know about the great status of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? How could you correct your recitation of the Qur’an?
How could one attain the reward of reciting one third of the Qur’an in seconds? What is the essence of faith? How could one worship his Lord? How could one avoid the whispers of Satan? How could one protect himself from evil eye and witchcraft?
What is meant by provision? What is the purpose of life? Where is Allah? What are the sins of His existence?