Qur’anic Gems: Juz’ 14

Why do we seek Allah’s refuge before reciting the Qur’an? Does Satan has control over those who have true faith?
Why do we seek Allah’s refuge before reciting the Qur’an? Does Satan has control over those who have true faith?
How could you fulfill you promises with People? When should you say “in sha’ Allah”?
What is the punishment of those who waste their prayer? What is meant by deviation in the verse?
How could you strengthen your faith and firmness of the heart?
What is about those who seek to spread shamelessness among people?
Why do a great number of people will show a great regret on the hereafter? Do you show love and respect towards the Prophet? Do you follow his Sunnah? How do people abandon the Qur’an?
What did happen to Prophet Moses when he was thrown into the river? What do you know about Pharaoh? How did he oppress people in his time?
What is the ruling of those who disregard Allah’s signs? What is the significance of racism in the society?
What is the significance of saying as-salamu `alaykum (peace be upon you)?
What are the etiquettes of judgment? what is the consequence of transgression?