Qur’an Maxims: A Sound Heart

How does Allah protect the believer in this world? How could you strengthen your relationship with the Allah?
Importance and significance of the Qur’an is highlighted in this section. Why Muslims should learn and study the Qur’an will be dealt with here in an extensive way. In addition, various aspects of the Qur’an will be highlighted here such as its language, inimitable nature and spiritual effects upon the human soul.
How does Allah protect the believer in this world? How could you strengthen your relationship with the Allah?
Dr. Jamal Badawi explains the methodology of Jihad in the light of the Qur’an and refutes misconceptions about it .
Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Jibreel taught me one style and I reviewed it until he taught me more, and I kept asking him for more and he gave me more until finally there were seven styles.” (Agreed Upon)
How could the Book of Allah be a source of guidance? How could one change his evil deeds to good deeds?
This short fatwa focuses on the issue of reading the Qur’an for the sick and whether is permissible or not. Click to watch Dr. Muhammad Salah’s answer.
Why does Allah say “We” in the Qur’an? What is the eloquence of using the pronoun “We” instead of “I” in the Qur’an?
What are the Etiquettes of reciting the Qur’an?
How do you get the knowledge of Makki and Madani verses? How do scholars differentiate between them?
What is meant by the praised kind of envy? How could you be form the people of the Qur’an? What is meant by hasad in Islam?
What is the reward of perfecting the recitation of the Qur’an? Is there a reward for those who struggle in the recitation?