Followers of Jesus from an Islamic Perspective

Muslims believe that Jesus was the Messiah prophesied in the Jewish texts and that the people who followed him as a prophet of Allah up to the advent of Islam are true believers in Allah.
Islamic Beliefs is a category which deals with the articles of faith in Islam, like how God looks like in Islam, and belief in the Hereafter, and what the pillars of Islam are
Muslims believe that Jesus was the Messiah prophesied in the Jewish texts and that the people who followed him as a prophet of Allah up to the advent of Islam are true believers in Allah.
It is curious enough that the Qur’an cites miracles performed by Jesus of which the New Testament itself does not make any mention, like the miracles of speaking to people in the cradle.
Christians conclude that He is a Son of God, but Muslims insist that he is not a Son of God, though he is still a distinguished Prophet of Allah, being referred to as a Word and Spirit from Allah.
No wonder, Muslims do love Jesus. A person cannot be Muslim without believing in Jesus. Muslims believe that Jesus, like all other prophets and Messengers, was a Muslim.
It is safe to say that, unlike Jews, both Christians and Muslims hold Mary in high esteem. However, Muslims believe that she was only the mother of a servant, Prophet and Messenger of Allah.
Allah teaches Muslims in the Qur’an that when dialogue with non-Muslims reaches an impasse they should continue to do justice to them for religious disagreement does not justify injustice according to Islam
Not only does Islam recognize that Mary was virgin, but it also dismisses anybody alleging that Mary was not virgin as a disbeliever.
Frequent questions are asked by people everywhere and every time: is there God? Does God exist? Do we have one or more gods? How does God, if any, look like?
Jesus was born without a father in the first place. He has a miraculous life with two earthly lifetimes and one interval of an unusually heavenly life in between. If one already believes in Jesus, let him believe in his survival, ascension and second coming as he believed in him as a fatherless human being. If he is willing to believe in him as a fatherless human being only, this sounds much stranger and wonderful than anything else ever believed in.