Hajj (Pilgrimage) between Symbolic Worship and Responsiveness to Abraham’s Call to Monotheism
Hajj is an act of worship involving much more symbolism than the other acts of worship in Islam. it is performed in response to Abraham’s call
Irish Singer/Songwriter Sinead O’Connor, “Shuhada’ Davitt”, reverts to Islam, calling it “the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey.”
Muhammad, this orphan baby, was the one chosen to lead people from darkness to light. Muhammad’s birth was the answer to Prophet Ibrahim’s prayer
Read this article which answers questions about the Message of Islam? Read: What is Qur’an? Read: Does Qur’an order violence?
Read this article which answers questions about Islam. Explore facts about Islam. Read: What is Islam, Who is Muhammad? What is Qur’an?
Islam is one of the modern religions that has been rapidly spreading. Read this article which answers the question what is Islam and Why?
What makes this article different is that it presents a fair view by a non-Muslim Catholic on Islamic approaches to illnesses…
Read this article which explores Prophet Muhammad’s stand on racial discrimination. What makes this article different is non-Muslim testimony on such stand
Read this article which perfectly discusses the most critical issue worldwide today, that is, COVID-19, from a religious perspective…
The FAMOUS EPIC question which NO CHRISTIAN can answer , “Show us a clear cut passage in the Bible where Jesus said “I am God” or “Worship Me?”