Prophet Muhammad: The Perfect Family Man

Islam stresses the importnace of a strong family relationship where every member knows their duties and rights as explained and embodied by Muhammad (PBUH).
Islam stresses the importnace of a strong family relationship where every member knows their duties and rights as explained and embodied by Muhammad (PBUH).
There were people among the non-believers who yearned to declare their belief in Muhammad, but their fear of the prevailing norms and inherited traditions prevented them. Among them was Hamzah
We know about the life of our Prophet down to the smallest detail. What an exalted and fascinating biography it is!
The very amazing story of Ka’b ibn Malik, a very famous companion and poet of Prophet Muhammad, holds many lessons of life and faith.
Allah supported Islam with Hamzah and his conversion. He was strong in defending the Prophet of Allah and the helpless amongst his Companions.
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